
Babies Are a Gift from God
Use our extension to ensure that your baby’s development is on track


Baby Development Month by Month

Get Ready for All These Precious First-Year Milestones.

Baby milestones

Baby milestones are the accomplishments or skills you can expect your child to achieve or learn in the first year of life. Watching for development milestones helps you and your baby’s paediatricianensure that your baby’s development is on track.

As you learn which baby milestones to expect this year, keep in mind that this is only a guideline.Each child is unique and develops at their own pace. If your baby is advanced in one skill (say,crawling or walking), they may be less advanced in another (such as talking). Rest assured, there’s a wide range of what’s considered normal.

Still, let the doctor know if you notice that your little one is behind on certain baby milestones
month to month.



By 4 to 6 months, baby will be ready for her first solids, starting with rice cereal and then moving on to more flavorful fare. Here's how to introduce new foods and make the most of mealtime


It's a wonder to behold baby grow from a helpless newborn to cruising (or walking!) 1-year-old. From mini push-ups and sitting up to scooting and crawling, watch out: Here comes baby!


Listen up: Baby's been communicating with you since day one. But before he understands or says his first word, he'll learn lots of important skills — from smiling and laughing to clapping and babbling.


No matter what baby's doing, she's learning about her world. You'll see clear signs she's absorbing and thinking as she learns to eat solid food, move her body and try to tell you what she needs.